Test Series by EduRankers

Hi there!

We are glad you showed interest in our Online Test Series.We are starting this digital Online Test Series so that students can have access to quality content at reasonable value.Starting at ₹199,our test series is the most value for money test series of English you will find on the EduTech industry.The Test Series program is presently only for Class 12 students.

Our questions are based on AI algorithms which selects the most probable questions based on the trends from previous years and other test papers.

Please click on link provided below to fill your details and register yourself for the Test Series:

Register yourself for Test Series

After you are registered,you will receive an code or link via which you will be able to join us on our platform where further details will be shared.

Payments Gateway:

Total Payable Amount:₹199

UPI ID:satyakam.mishra@ybl

Please make sure that you write "Payment for EduRankers Test Series" otherwise your payment will not be considered as valid.

For any issues related to the online test series, please feel to contact us via the given channels,

Phone:+91 8260982805

E-mail ID: factchecker5775@gmail.com


Team EduRankers


  1. When is it scheduled?

  2. It is currently going on.If you are interested,you can register yourself for 3rd Phase.It will be starting on 14th February.


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