Stakeholders & Investors


Nothing big is made by any one person single-handedly.Same is also in the case of EduRankers as an organisation.We have multiple stakeholders in our company who have largely contributed in the making of this organisation.


1)Omkar Avirup Mishra

Omkar is the largest stakeholder in the company with 90% of the company with him.He has created this organisation with the vision to make a notable difference in the lives of many students who still struggle to excel in their education.

2)Satyakam Mishra

Satyakam holds 2% of EduRankers.He has helped the organisation multiple times with overlooking our financial transactions and proper guidance in matters related to finance.He is the financial backbone of the company as he has also arranged debt multiple times for the organisation

3)Pravat Kumar Mishra

Mr.Pravat Kumar Mishra holds 4% of EduRankers.
He has made continuous monetary contribution to the organization along with getting approval from state boards of various states.

4)Subasinee Mishra

Mrs.Subasinee Mishra holds 4% of EduRankers.She has also made monetary infusions into the organisation along with sponsoring our  multiple ventures.

Currently,we are completely bootstrapped and have no prior investors.These members on our board have been entitled the equity stated above because of their roles as persons who are constantly putting rigorous efforts in value addition for EduRankers.Their equity may even be withdrawn with prior notice to them and the value of the equity being paid to them.However,till the time they hold an equity,they are constantly being serviced and their opinions are well received and taken into note.

And a big shoutout to our readers who have continuously given us their feedback which has helped us to create a solid platform and trusted is with our work.Thank you!

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