1)Don't Ignore Theory portion of the given Syllabus:
While MCQs are primarily based on options and least subject matter,take theory part seriously. Make sure you understand the theoretical portion clearly and leave no concepts untouched.
Today is September 1,2021.Try to complete any backlogs in the syllabus if you have any within the time span of one month.Believe us,you have it inside you.Go that extra mile and conquer that exam!
2)Practise more : Score more!
By the beginning of October,make sure you surround yourself with MCQs.Start attending questions related to MCQs format and carrying out sample papers.
Within September we will be publishing a wise number of posts based on MCQs related to 10th and 12th grade. You can get access to completely free MCQ and tests based on MCQs on our site.Do consider checking out them!
However,if you wish to carry out MCQs with the help of a physical book, strongly recommend the latest Oswaal sample papers. The book can help you big time.We are attaching the link below:
All these extra preparation can help you boost your confidence while attending the examination.It is better to have some preparation rather than feeling regretful in the examination hall or during it.Remain optimistic, you can do anything!
3)How to attempt an test based on MCQs?
Whenever you get to attempt a test based on MCQs,make sure you read all the instructions carefully.Trust us,you will be more optimised with the test.Look out for some specific general instructions such as if there are negative markings in the examination,what is the time limit of the MCQ test or other specific instructions.
If you are taking an online test,make sure you have a physical notebook with you.In that notebook,you can carry out the rough work as well as jot down all the answers according to the serial number given in test.This practice helps you keep track of the questions you attended.
Keeping in mind that most probably negative marking will not be there in the board exams this year,you need to take 4 rounds of the MCQs paper or test.
In this round go for all the questions and attend them.This initial round gives you an overview of the entire paper.Any question which you think will take time but it is doable, encircle it and leave it for the second round.Tick mark the questions which you think are completely out of your arena.You will be attending them in the third round.
Come to the questions which you had encircled and marked for review.Make sure you carry out this questions during the remaining time span. If one question is taking a ton of your time and you are also not certain of the correct answer,leave it.
If you have any time left with you,come to the questions whose answers you are completely unaware of.Sometimes it turns out that a student has not read the question properly and thinking it to be hard.
Here comes our most favourite round-Fluking.
Also called as "Tukka",this can also possibly help you bag a few more marks considering the fact that there are no negative markings. When your mind goes completely blank and you have very less time left,you can use this technique. You can also use it after completing the third round.
Observe the given options carefully.You will find that one or two of the options are completely out of the possibility arena.Eliminate that or those options and choose between the rest.
If this method fails too,go for option B as one of the studies in education has found that most of the MCQs in the world have the correct option in the form of B.
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