-Markus Natten
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In the above lines,the poet wonders about when his childhood came to an end.He questions if it was the day when you became 11 years old. He asks if it was the day when you become mature enough to realise that Hell and Heaven existed yet one cannot find them on any map of geography book.He concluded that they were just imaginary places. In the stanza, the author was introduced to rationalism.
In this stanza,the poet again asked where his childhood went away.He questions if it was the day when he realised adults were just hypocrites as they preached love whereas they never practised it.They are not like how they seemed.
The double standards are clearing in the adults according to the poet. He wonders if that was the day when his childhood went away and he was introduced to deception.
In the above lines, the poet again deliberates on the same question about when he lost his childhood. He was overwhelmed at perhaps the day when he realise that the mind it was his own and he could always use it the way he wants.He warned us that perhaps it was the day when he had thoughts of his own.He was introduced to the infinite possibilities within him and individuality.
In the last stanza,the poet regrets his lost childhood and things that his childhood had gone to a place which will never come back.He thought of his innocence which by now had vanished and can only be seen in a baby's face.He also conveys a message that the innocence of an individual stays till the time he or she is an infant.He also tells how childhood is the period in human's life when he or she is completely pure by heart and naive.
Difficult Words:
1)Ceased:Come to an end.
2)Preached:To talk or spread an idea of message.
3)Rationalism:An idea which seeks a rational or sensible justification.
4)Individuality:The quality of a person which distinguishes from others.
5)Hypocrisy:The practice of claiming to have higher standards then the case is.
Rhyme Scheme:
abbccd;Free Verse.
Poetic Devices:
1)Refrain:A group of phrase that is repeated.
Ex:"When did my childhood go?"
"Was that the day!"
2)Antithesis:Mention of two opposite words in same sentence.
Ex:"Hell and Heaven"
3)Alliteration:"The Time" ; "My Mind".
4)Inversion:Reversal of Ssubject-Verb order.
In order to know in detail about these poetic devices,check out our blog on literary devices.
About Author:
Markus Zusak Natten(23rd June,1975---) is an Australian writer with Austrian and German roots.He is best known for 'The Book Thief' and 'The Messenger' which are bestsellers.He has also won many notable awards such as "Margaret A. Edwards Award","Michael L. Printz Award" and others.
NCERT Questions:
A)Think it Out.
1)i)Individuality:Stanza 3 i.e. "When did .... producing thoughts .... the day!".
ii)Rationalism:Stanza 1 i.e. "When did .... Hell and Heaven .... the day!".
iii)Hypocrisy:Stanza 2 i.e. "When did .... preached of love .... the day!".
2)According to the poem, the loss of childhood is involved in the process of growing up.The poem briefly discusses about things which are imbibed by child becoming an adult.This loss is compensated by some games which come with adolescence.These are increase in understanding, the ability to discern between original and fake as well as a sense of individuality.
3)The poet thinks that childhood is a vital part of life in everyone's lifetime and is often pleasant. He is upset that he has lost his childhood long ago and thinks of the things he has lost during this transition period.
4)The most poetic lines from the poem are-"Where did my childhood go .... That's all I know".
These lines beautifully sum up the process of growth and the disappearance of a particular stage of life.The poet thinks that only a child can possess innocence until he/she has not grew up.
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Markus Natten and Markus Zusak are two different persons from two different countries. Do fact-check before producing false knowledge.
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