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Sunday, June 27, 2021
The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse;NCERT Solutions and Summary for Class 11
Thursday, June 24, 2021
A Photograph;NCERT Solutions and Summary for Class 11
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
The Portrait of a Lady;NCERT Solutions and Summary for Class 11
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Format of notes.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Books for Class 11th CBSE in English.
In order to excel in English in any class you need to have some books on the basis of which you can study for the whole year.Let's see some of the books which are a must.
I)NCERT Official Books:
For class 11th,these are
•Hornbill:This is the primary reader on the basis of which English is taught in the educational institutions for 11th grade.The book contains both prose and poetry along with some chapters devoted to writing skills.
•Snapshots:This is the supplementary reader where most of the stories are just for giving the students insight into life.The book is however less important from the perspective of examinations.The book contains chapters which are mostly all prose except the last one which is a poem.
II) Reference Books:
For class 11th,these are
•All in One:This is a book by Arihant Publications.This book comes integrated with grammar chapters too.You can get it if you want simple explanations of the chapters.It also comes with some salient features such as test preparation modules,extra questions as well as some previous year questions.The publishers are always the first in the market to bring out the latest edition following the latest guidelines by CBSE.
Buy All in One latest edition from Amazon
•Evergreen:This is a book by Evergreen books.The book comes bundled with another book which contains pull-out worksheets for grammar.The book is intended for those who can understand complex terms and want in-depth analysis of everything.The book also contains ncert solutions but in an unsystematic way.The publishers also sometimes heavily delay the publication of the latest edition which may turn into a problem for some students.
•XamIdea:This is a book by VK Global publications.The book too comes with an integrated grammar module.The book,however,isn't consistent in its approach.Sometimes the lessons are beautifully explained whereas sometimes they have ended up explaining an entire chapter wrong.They are brisk in bringing out the latest edition every year according to the latest CBSE guidelines.
*Between all the books,All in One is the best according to us.However,you may opt for the other books as well according to your needs.And buy a reference book only if you feel the genuine need of it.You will be eventually getting better quality texts from this website.Why waste your money?
III) Question Banks:
For class 11th,these are
•Oswaal Question Bank:This book is published by Oswaal books.They simply don't have any competition in the market as of now.You can get one to get access to rigorous practice questions as well as exhaustive mind maps and test papers.
IV)Sample Papers:
For class 11th,these are
•Oswaal Sample Papers:This book is published by Oswaal books every year.They again are the best in this niche.They have very less competition in the market again.They come bundled with the official CBSE Sample Paper as well as other sample papers both solved and unsolved.
•XamIdea 20+:This book is published by VK Global publishers too.The book is good though most of the sample papers bring questions with them which have never come in the examinations.However,it has more than 20 sample papers.
*Always make sure you get the latest edition of the sample papers as CBSE pattern keeps changing every year.
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Why you should have some knowledge of English!
You have recently taken admission in science stream in a school or coaching center after your 10 th Boards.You are flooded with books of HC Verma,OP Tandon,Truman's and RD Sharma.You might wonder why you need to do English literature when you have to complete these behemoth books.Let's answer it!
Most of the students in India take admission in Science stream after their 10th grade in the desire to get into prestigious institutions such as IITs or AIIMSs.While core science subjects are a must for getting admission into these colleges,one should must have the basic knowledge about English.
You may not realise it now but the professions where these institutions might land you need a perfect blend of your communication and sales skills along with your technical skills.
English being a global language gives you a shot at it.And the harsh truth is that only 1% of you guys are going to crack these exams.So,you must have a "Plan-B" to secure your career.
Edurankers: Introduction.
Hey there!We have created this website where you can get the entire solutions, summary as well as some other important elements such as difficult words, information about the author of chapters in English books of various boards such as CBSE,CHSE,ICSE, ranging from class 9 to 12.
This website has been setup with the vision to provide systematic solutions of the English literature as well as some English Grammar chapters.
This website is entirely free of cost to access.However,you may see some Ads here and there.
We are small entity.It may take some time before you see each and every chapter's solutions.However,you can always request in the comments section with the name of the chapter as well as your grade.We will try our level best to provide you with the solutions as well as the summary within 2 working days.
There may be some typing mistakes in the solutions sometimes.You are welcome to criticize it and bring it to our view.We will certainly correct it.
There may be some doubts in a specific chapter.You can post your doubts in the comments section and they will definitely be attended within 1 working day.
You can also communicate with us by dropping a mail at the given e-mail address:
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A Roadside Stand; NCERT Solutions and Summary for Class 12
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